Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Announcement: Poetry Contest!

 NOTE: I've got several entries in contests on Figment. If you see this, could you please read and possibly heart:
Gray Girl for the Probability of Miracles contest (yes, including a poem previously posted on here)
The Teardrop Goddess for the Seventeen Fiction contest

Hey, nonexistent readers! In an effort to include other people's poetry, not just mine, on this blog (it sounds crazy, I know, but I'm not the only good poet in the world) I'm holding a poetry contest. There's going to be a new page set up to hold the contest, so go there for more details, but the basic gist of it is: Write a poem about winter, I don't care how long (I mean, I'm not expecting The Odyssey here) and it's due January 20th, 2011. Get working! The prizes are all very writerly. I'd give out cookies but look, this is the Internet. There's only so much I can do.

I haven't got any poems for you today... well, actually, I do. I've just been looking in this little 'add location' thingy, and I first cruised through my hometown on satellite, and then I went to Rome. I had to click out of it though.
Farewell is like being ripped from home, no matter how long or how sweet. I wish I could write more in prose so you would understand, dear nonexistent readers, but I can't do it without crying, so here's poetry to explain it for you:

I left my heart behind
In that sad beautiful seaport
And the dusty mountains in the background
Clouds rising like smoke
The pale blue sky above
And the sun lowering, lowering into the sea

I left my soul behind
On that cold grey train platform
With the flurry of rain like silver snowflakes
And the silent white sky above
Holding my suitcase and waiting
And the train rumbling, rumbling closer to us

I left my thoughts behind
In that horrible bustling airport
Waiting in line in the early morning
Sitting with my head lowered in plastic chairs
Boarding the plane
And the plane flying, flying further from home.

Hope you liked it. And go enter the poetry contest!

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