Hey everybody! Here's Magic*Esi Poetry's first poetry contest! As I said in my announcement post, I'm doing this to promote the work of other poets, because as hard as it is to believe, I'm not the only good poet in the world.
Prompt: Write a poem about winter. This can be a cheerful free verse, a harsh haiku, a funny narrative, a dark sonnet, an interesting found poem, a poem with one line about snow so that you have an excuse to write about something not relating to winter at all, or anything at all, so long as it's about WINTER. If you use my article Winter Poems as inspiration, I will be flattered and also surprised.
1. No word limit. If you enter a 10,000 word poem to spite me for this, you're insane.
2. Deadline is January 20th, 2012. So get working!
3. Profanity and obscenity and whatnot are allowed, but do so tastefully. (Artistic obscenity.)
4. Send all entries to magicesipoetryblog@gmail.com. The subject line should be 'Winter Contest' or really whatever you want. In the message, put your poem, its title, and your preferred author name.
Prizes (a reason to enter):
I'm giving out first, second, and third place prizes, plus two runners-up. Since there may be some users from Figment entering, I'm going to have prizes for both Figment entries and regular entries.
First Place: Either a proper review for two pieces of your choice on Figment, OOOORRR a detailed critique for a piece you send me. Details on this prize will be settled after the contest.
Second Place: Either a read and comment for two shorter pieces of your choice on Figment, OOOORRR a read and comment of any short piece you send me.
Third Place: Either a comment for one short piece of your choice on Figment, OOOORRR one of my awful covers for any of your works.
Runners-up: Your poem gets published on my blog along with the others.
All of the winning poems get published on this blog with credit to the author. Also: if there are less than five entries, I'll obviously hack off some of the places. Ex: three entries means there'll be no runners-up.
GOOD LUCK, EVERYBODY!!! I can't wait to see your poems!