Monday, June 18, 2012


Anywho, I want all you nonexistent readers to meet Julia, who now apparently reads my blog. :) She's very friendly and will not murder you like I have done on several occasions. You are required to share your popcorn with her. If you want, you can explain all my weird acronyms, too.
Anyway... so yeah, I haven't posted in about a month. I do not have any new poems; that's why. IN THAT MONTH THE FOLLOWING HAS OCCURRED:
-I worked on The Wishmaker some more
-I got first place in some user-made contest on Figment. Which is awesome.
-I handed in my laptop (that's right. Much like my first post, I am writing this on my desktop computer. Oh God the nostalgia... December... only now I'm listening to Hedwig's Theme instead of Caresse sur l'ocean) and this year I was careful to back everything up.
-I handed in my Gifted People Program end-of-year research project LATE. Ha ha. I'm such a rebel.
-My family signed up to host a French student this summer. Yay, I'm excited.
-I had my first four finals, in the last few days. French was easy; in English we literally watched a movie and answered one question (one kid brought in Munchkins). Then Econ this morning. Yes, the hated subject. Our final was making a budget for the future. Everyone else was moaning about how difficult it was and I'm like, "Guys. You're planning on making, like, $100 billion a month. I'm working with a $3000 budget here and you don't see me complaining." And my US final was easy. Haha, our teacher said to try and only use one piece of paper for the essay, so I wrote really small.
-I began studying for Algebra 2 earlier this afternoon.

Now that you all are caught up on all the super-important details of my life, here's why I'm back:
a) stupid Algebra 2
b) Julia (the aforementioned) asked me to do this challenge thing here:

The Lucky 7 Meme Award Rules are as such:
1. Go to the 7th or 77th page of your work in progress.
2. Go to the 7th line of the page.
3. Copy the next 7 sentences or paragraphs. Remember, they must be as they are typed.
4. Tag 7 authors.
5. Let them know they’re it!

So yeah, the two people I know who have a blog are my mom ( who shall never know about this blog (ehem, read the past entries- or actually, please don't) and Julia ( who, uh, was the one that tagged me.
SO here is the list of authors I would tag if I knew them personally:

1) J.K. Rowling and her imaginary blog, "Life from the point of view of the best writer in the world"
2) Henry David Thoreau and his imaginary blog, "Recipes and Philosophy from a Sort-of Vegetarian who's also awesome at life"
3) Neil Gaiman and his imaginary blog, "OBEY MY COMMANDS. I'm NEIL EFFING GAIMAN."
4) William Shakespeare and his imaginary blog, "I Probably Invented the Word Blog."
5) Suzanne Collins and her imaginary blog, "Read this Blog or Die in a horrible way that I'll describe in minute detail"
6) Mae Silverstein and her imaginary blog, "My Misadventures Giving Ariel Trouble and generally being annoying"
7) Virginia Woolf and her imaginary blog, "Early Feminism and also early death"

So, yes. I suck at this challenge. If any of these authors happen to see this, and have a real blog for some reason (even despite some being dead and from an era before computers), they could totally do the challenge.

OK. Time for the excitement of... The Wishmaker! (and after that I'm going to post a poem and take a shower and study how to graph hyperbolas)

Um... bye.
I just realized I lost the last few chapters of The Wishmaker forever.
So... I hope my school didn't erase my laptop yet. Which they probably did.
If so... I... I don't know how I'll live anymore.

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