Friday, June 22, 2012

sooo... Sorry if that freaked you out (Part 2 of the Lucky 7 thing)

Gotta squeeze in a quick post since my friend (who disrespects semicolons, by the way; I just found out today) is coming back soon.
OK, so yeah, sorry if that ending freaked you out. Which I doubt it did. But the very next day I went to tech and The Wishmaker was safe and sound. Algebra 2, alas, was not. I got an 86. But all is well because I GOT A 96 ON MY CHEM FINAL.
Crazy, right? An effing miracle, I call it.
So today was my last day of school, and I spent it wandering the hallways with my friends, chatting with the art teacher (they painted the door to the closet with a picture of Narnia. The closet's been called "Narnia" for years so it makes sense), and vandalizing the "Out of Order" signs on all the bathrooms by writing stuff like "because of Moaning Myrtle" and "maybe if we used more semicolons they wouldn't be out of order". Stuff like that.
Uh, anyway... wow. Summer. Did I already list my summer plans? If I did, sucks for you, CAUSE I'M DOING IT AGAIN.

a) Hosting a French student. Her name's... oh wait, I don't know if she's cool with me putting it up here. Anywho, yeah, she'll be living here, so I have to get rid of all the toxic chemicals and avalanche-prone messes in my room.
b) Doing my AP Lit, AP Bio, and AP US assignments. I ran into my future AP Stat teacher today and he said, "Oh, yeah, there isn't an AP Stat summer assignment. And don't worry about the prerequisite. There isn't really one. AP Stat isn't really math anyway. I heard you were more into the humanities... that's cool." So, yeah, that's a relief. I heard he's basically a genius, which is cool, considering I'm a genius too (or at least that's what I hear. I'm not really a genius).
c) Going to the Write It Conference in Chicago! I'm so excited!
d) Going for a week to Vermont, because there's cheese there and stuff.
e) CAMP NANOWRIMO! I need to finish The Gold Door so I can just get this trilogy done already. I only have about 30K left before it's done but I might as well try for 50K and finish where I finish.
f) Editing the accursed Eraser. I want to start querying by junior year, dammit.

Anywho. Let me go do that Lucky 7 thing already...

7 sentences after the 7th line on the 77th page of The Wishmaker (which, by the way, apparently has 199 pages now):
When they got back, the kids exhaustedly dropped their baskets next to the others and ran to join the lunch table.
          “Where have you been?” Aunt Hannah asked worriedly.
          “Collecting leaves,” Aaron answered. “We went way into the woods to find somewhere that the rain hadn’t reached, so it took us a while to get back.”
          “Yeah, a really long while,” Aaron’s Uncle Jacob said. “Come on, have some lunch. There are still a few bagels left over.”

OK... I'm listening to Les Avions en Papier again. It reminds me that I'm not a sophomore anymore. It's so weird.
You wait 'til I graduate high school. Every five seconds. "Oh Gosh! Again I am flooded with memories! To be out of school! It is the strangest experience! It is dreamlike! I feel like a ghost!"
Read this melodramatic stuff from my journal...
 Oh never mind. I didn't write in my journal today and it'll just remind me and I'll feel sad.
Here's my poem, "Footprints". I wrote it in the back of one of my journals from last summer in Europe. It sort of describes what I feel about traveling.
Sigh... I'm listening to "Here Comes the Sun" now. The quote I wanted to say from my journal is just perfect. But I don't feel like getting it. BUT IT'S SO PERFECT.
All right, here's the damn poem:


My feet are itchy
They're singing
Singing a song of
"Travel your skies
And say your goodbyes
Leave this place
Take your part in the race
The race against time"
It's raining
The rain's whispering
Whispering a tune of
"Leave, leave, leave
Cross the ocean blue
For, my dear, you
You are a traveler
You must W-A-N-D-E-R
Or always wonder
What's out there in the world"
I hear your songs
And feel that itch
Controlled by mad wanderlust

Now that summer's here, I remember what it's like to so desperately go home. Before, it was easy to forget, to slide into a state of being American, to be content to be here. But now... I have to go back. I don't care that it's positively ridiculous to decide where one's home is based on two days in a city halfway across the world. I haven't a drop of Italian blood, a single Italian relative on my family tree, and I was in Italy a week in my life. But I know that Roma is my home. I'm not saying I'll live there. I'm just saying it's where my heart is.

Here's the journal quote; I got the courage to get it after all:
(Some background: Each year I choose a "Worst Word of the Year", the word that sums up the struggle I had. In third grade I chose "cool" because I wanted to be cool but wasn't; in fourth grade I chose "weird" because people bullied me for being weird; in fifth grade I chose "misbehave" because everyone was rebelling and I wasn't; in sixth grade I chose "talk" because of all the gossip; in seventh grade I chose "reality" because I was getting used to the real world; in eighth grade I chose "change" because stuff changed; and in ninth grade I chose "renaissance" because things from my past were being resurrected, but I was being reborn.)

"Hold on. This is the end of tenth grade.
This has been... such a long year. Like, last year zipped by. But this year. This year felt like it lasted forever. Seriously, September feels like ages ago. You have no idea. What the hell happened?
I guess a lot changed.
What was this year's Worst Word? Those stopped being really definitive a while ago. It was "challenge". Ha, that's probably better for junior year... It didn't fit.
What's the real Worst Word?
But while I've been indecisive for very long about many things, I've made all my decisions now. I know... myself now.
OK. Wow... the summer is so close, after so long. The warm, long, free summer. No, I won't be back [home], not this summer. But I am doing a lot, and I have myself. I always do.
And then junior year. Junior year...
I keep on taking steps closer to my dreams."

 OK, the Semicolon Disrespecting Friend is back. So I have to go. Bye.

1 comment:

  1. Esi! I nominated you for a blog award! Details over here:
