Monday, April 16, 2012

That Awkward Moment

when you've written three novels in a trilogy, each over 70,000 words, and are working on a new book currently at 64,000 words, and are on the third draft of the first book which you finished in eighth grade (only taking this long because you do really complex edits); when you've written dozens of poems of different types; have won prestigious awards for essay writing and poetry; when you've been on several writing sites, are pursuing an agent and publisher, and have been writing until you were six years old.

And your friend can't keep with one novel for more than ten pages, writes the exact same story for everything with the exact same name, declares that she has writer's block and decides to start yet another new story, is on page one and is hailed as the greatest writer ever.

Dude. Stop. I'm the writer here. All three of you, STOP. You're not writers. I don't CARE that writing isn't about length; if you can't stay with a story, you can't write- and I have read their writing, and only one of them is half-decent at all. The one I just discussed really, really sucks. The other one's pretty bad. My other friend (who is sitting right next to me) is really good at poetry, though.

Seriously, though. E-nough already. I'm about ready to murder them.

In other news, I'M ON POTTERMORE. JinxHeart13434. Eeeeeee, I love this place already! J.K. Rowling is WONDERFUL! Now there's a real writer. J.K. Rowling. She's my role model.
OK. Bye bye. I'm off to read about Vernon and Petunia's engagement.


UPDATE FROM THE FUTURE: weeeelll isn't that nice. Aren't I a fucking bitch. Oh my God. Wow.  Look, the friend from the story is a terrible writer, I'll admit, but my other friends are quite good at writing. And Friend 1's bad writing is still no reason for me to be so goddamn rude. Geez. This is my idea of a formal apology, by the way.

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