I can't stop crying.
I’m like a songbird
Who, after hibernating in the soft burrow
in the woods
for a dozen years
pokes her head out.
Is relatively unharmed,
and flies a little higher up.
Then tries to sing
a melodic harmony
only to be shot
by a battalion of arrows
and fall
to the
My little bird
without the words
left me
to sing somewhere else
So I lay here, left for dead
I knew
I didn’t have pretty colored feathers
like the parakeets
and it didn’t bother me
But I at least
had wished
I wouldn’t have been shot
for my voice
you’ll never hear this songbird
I have to do my homework, now, though my French homework doesn't make sense (but I'm not much good in French anyway) so I'll do my Algebra 2 homework.
I mean that no one thinks I'm pretty, and I don't mind; but no one thinks I'm smart, and that bothers me a lot. I wish someone thought I was smart, or you know, worth something. It hurts to be thought of as the stupid, naive one. It hurts a lot.
Being intelligent matters to me. Being a good writer matters to me. But no one thinks I am either.
I'm still crying.
I wish I was home. Knowing my luck, I'll die here, in the midst of this American suburbia, with no last words to mark that even I thought I could be worth something.
I wish I could depict how I feel without saying I'm crying, but you know I can't write to save my life, so I can't.
Now I really have to go do my homework. Goodbye, nonexistent readers.
From your worthless poet,
UPDATE FROM THE FUTURE: I do not feel worthless anymore! I am full of great self confidence! This is old angst! Ignore it!
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