Tuesday, May 29, 2012

It's raining again!

Sorry I haven't posted in forever... Ack, it's the end of a five-day weekend and I have school in 10 hours. But it's early-summery-storming and I just love it. There's always that thing about each season that you forget when you're not in that season, and then you experience it again and you love it and wish you could remember it the rest of the year, but you always, always forget.
In that vein, here's a poem about rain. It's not about early summer storms, it's about mid-spring storms, and there's a world of difference. The rain is my best friend. I would know.

Give Me Rain

Storming drumbeats
Passionate, flying, wildly dancing raindrops
like heartbeats
Is electricity pulsing through my soul
My dark,
violet, copper-colored night air
Dark sky
Crackling with lightning and thunder
And dancing to the raindrops
Trees, tossing their heads wildly
Can’t they have one last dance
Before they’re cut down
To make room for 
Suburban lawns and strip malls
God, give me rain
Give me wind
Give me stormclouds
I long for the nights where I lay awake
Eyes wide open
To dance with raindrops
I want to fall asleep
To the lullaby of softly pattering rain
And drizzling, dripping drops
And wake to a haze of muted green and blue
Sidewalks with worms scattered
Like the pieces of my soul 
and my hair
and the leaves on the trees
Before they are all packed
neatly back into their
summertime box
One last dance
Give me one last rainstorm
Give me rain

Also, it appears I forgot I wrote this little gem in economics.
Anyway, I forgot I wrote this little gem in economics, as I was saying. Gosh, economics just inspires a hatred of the world for me. I think it's Special Snowflake and BES and the general subject that I hate. (P.S. BES and Special Snowflake are genuinely no longer an issue I swear I really swear.) Oh yeah, by the way, I feel more confident about the AP exam now. I most likely got a 4, but I might get a 5. Possibly. Not. 

The Rat Race
Hello, fellow students
I plan to go into art history
And before you say anything,
no, my only concern in life
is not getting a fancy, expensive car
So please,
no comments until the end of the presentation
I want a job in a museum
Yes, those are difficult to get
In case you hadn’t noticed,
while you were busy
playing video games
and playing at being grown-up
I was acing every test
and was the top of the class
So I think I might have a chance
Yes, the salary is low, that’s right
Yes, that’s a very hipster job
Yes, you rather do expect
that in a few years
I won’t be saying,
“Look at that painting of a woman in a hat”
but rather
“Would you like fries with that?”
You’re so witty
Why don’t you go stand 
with the mile-long line
of doctors, lawyers, engineers
Hadn’t I planned to be a writer?
No, that’s already checked off
my to-do list
I’m already a writer
I have always been a writer
I don’t need a degree in anything
to be a writer
Run, run, run
Keep racing in your rat-wheel
Settle in a suburban home
With a nuclear family
And pin your diploma up on the wall
Commute to work each day
with a briefcase
Calls, calls, meetings, calls
Race the others ‘til you fall
Boom, thud, it falls in place
Make-up on your corpse’s face
Pick out a designer tomb
And cry now you know
who is better than whom
You’re just time’s slave
As the clock ticks on
Tick, tick, tick, tick
Buried and dead before the dawn
Go ahead,
the safer path
Get your paycheck
Get approval
Get your fancy,
expensive car
Be rich,
and wonder why you are
Is it really better
to know
you’ll never go far?

Yep. Grammar. It helps you rhyme.
That poem doesn't cover the extent of my feelings about the subject, but it was all I could write in the 42-minute period.
Anyway... I'm listening to "Featherstone" by the Paper Kites. It's my new squealing song. "Yellow" by Coldplay was my one from last week, when I didn't post on here. I forgot how fun it is to post here. I like it here. 

Oh well. It doesn't matter much. I'm very calm and idyllically tranquil and happy, which is odd considering it's the night before I have to go back to school after a long weekend- usually a cause of maaajor stress for me.
It's all right though.
I'll write more soon.
Your peaceful rain-loving poet,

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

News on my life

So I just took the AP English Language exam. Like, it ended two hours ago. I'm basically brain-dead now, so sorry if this isn't, you know, super duper articulate.
Yeah, I know you don't care. Good for you. I'm worthless. That's been made pretty damn clear; it doesn't have to be re-hammered in.
I highly doubt I got a 5. Like, a 4, if I'm lucky. I was so nervous I did horribly on the multiple choice, wrote a half-decent synthesis essay- admittedly I think I did very well on analysis, despite disregarding certain rhetorical strategies- and a horrible, horrible argument essay.
Won't reveal anything else, since it's, you know, against the law, and nobody takes that law seriously but I don't want my score disqualified, regardless of the fact that I know I failed.
Uh, I mainly wrote this because I'm bored and I WOULD read but I think my mind can't handle any more reading right now. Also I want to bump that awful post from the top. I'll probably delete everything but the poem anyway.
OK. I don't really have any appropriate poems to post. I'm just... sort of annoyed with the test content. I can't say anything more. It's surprising that I am annoyed with it, because everyone else loved it for the reason I hated it. Again... stupid College Board restrictions. Like, what, people in California have enclosed phones in their skin where they're looking this stuff up?
So... yeah. I could have gotten a 5, if not for being too nervous to do well and the content not really being suited to my area of ability. I'm not going to be unrealistic and say, "I WOULD HAVE FAILED EVEN IF THE ONLY QUESTION WAS HOW TO SPELL CAT". No. I know I'm half-decent at English. I just wish I hadn't done so horribly today.
I really should just go do my Chem homework, so when I get home I can curl up into a ball and realize I'm not going to get into a good college.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Another Poem: "I Wonder"

GUYS: Here's the poem. If you want the backstory, you can read all this crap, or you can read the summary bit at the bottom. Or this sentence: "Love is some weird confusing shit. Here are my thoughts on that."
Update: I deleted a good deal of it. You'll be grateful. It's boring.

I Wonder

“I wonder what it’s like
to be at the top of one of those skyscrapers”
I wonder what it’s like
to be in love.
Maybe I’ll never know.
I’ll never remember.
lights everywhere in the city
eerie orange fog
Perfect, invisible moon.
Like my love for you
so beautiful, so overwhelming
A mere reflection
of you, the shining sun in my life
Like my love for you
That disappeared behind the fog
So beautiful
Now invisible
It is possible to fall out of love,
and it is wonderful to be free
to not be tied down to you anymore
But what was it about you,
about love,
that made my spirit soar?
How did I see
that our souls were patterned the same way?
How did I see
that I had found someone to believe in
to admire
to love
Your eyes disappeared in the sky
Tell me, o lost wayward poets...
Remind me...
What is it like to be in love?

So I'm way too tired to rant about my life but I have the AP English Language exam next week and I know I'm not even going to get a 3 so don't you little nonexistent fellows worry your nonexistent heads about it alright.
I wrote another poem a while ago. I have a crap load of these that I haven't posted here. My SONG, for one, and one called "Footsteps" or something, and "Give Me Rain" which I haven't posted since it hasn't rained.

(The main point of the text block that used to be here is something stupid. The point is that I. DO. NOT. LIKE. THE. PERSON. I. USED. TO. LIKE. ANY. MORE. I THINK HE SUCKS. HE IS TERRIBLE. IT IS NOT EVEN AN INTERNAL CONFLICT ANYMORE. IT IS DONE. IT IS DECIDED. I DO NOT LIKE HIM. THE. END.)

And none of that is the point of my poem. Ha ha, did you just read all of that? Well, sucks for you. Anyway, the point of my poem is that I felt sad that a sort of era was ending. We were driving through Manhattan at sunset and I pondered over the fact that I may never know what love feels like again. Is that good or bad? Curious... We were listening to this beautiful song "Sad Romance". If you're writing, well, a sad romance, use that song. It is PERFECT.
The bit about the moon is because there was a Super Moon and I couldn't see it due to the fog. And in the same way, my love was like a moon, and now is hidden behind the fog. Oh, so poetic, yada yada yada.

OK. So now off to hope no one in my real life ever sees this ever, even when I'm 80 years old and biographers are digging up shit to put in The Life and Lies of Ariel for my future starry-eyed pupils to be shocked at. Maybe I should just be gay for an evil wizard, that'd be better than this. Quick? Any evil female wizards? Anyone?
Hey, is "be gay for" homophobic? 'Cause one wouldn't say "be straight for" in regards to being sexually attracted to the opposite sex... I wasn't straight for BES...
Whatever. As aforementioned, I'm like, half asleep.
'Kay. Goodbye, all.
Your tired poet who needs to study,

Monday, May 7, 2012

I Didn't Know It Was a Crime to Be a Feminist

Why do I go on Figment?
I can't stop crying.


I’m like a songbird
Who, after hibernating in the soft burrow
in the woods
for a dozen years
pokes her head out.
Is relatively unharmed,
and flies a little higher up.
Then tries to sing
a melodic harmony
only to be shot
by a battalion of arrows
and fall
to the 
My little bird
without the words
left me
to sing somewhere else
So I lay here, left for dead
I knew
I didn’t have pretty colored feathers
like the parakeets
and it didn’t bother me
But I at least 
had wished
I wouldn’t have been shot
for my voice
you’ll never hear this songbird

I have to do my homework, now, though my French homework doesn't make sense (but I'm not much good in French anyway) so I'll do my Algebra 2 homework.
I mean that no one thinks I'm pretty, and I don't mind; but no one thinks I'm smart, and that bothers me a lot. I wish someone thought I was smart, or you know, worth something. It hurts to be thought of as the stupid, naive one. It hurts a lot.
Being intelligent matters to me. Being a good writer matters to me. But no one thinks I am either.
I'm still crying.
I wish I was home. Knowing my luck, I'll die here, in the midst of this American suburbia, with no last words to mark that even I thought I could be worth something.
I wish I could depict how I feel without saying I'm crying, but you know I can't write to save my life, so I can't.

Now I really have to go do my homework. Goodbye, nonexistent readers.
From your worthless poet,

UPDATE FROM THE FUTURE: I do not feel worthless anymore! I am full of great self confidence! This is old angst! Ignore it!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Has It Been Forever? It Has Not

First post of May! I feel like I barely post anymore. I mean, once people start reading this (that implies people eventually will, ha ha) I'll post regularly.
But don't expect that next year. You want to see my schedule for next year?

UPDATE FROM THE FUTURE: a lot of this stuff is really dumb. Like, AP Stats is a joke. It's really easy. So, yeah, I didn't know a lot back then.

French 4- lovely, but I've heard it's difficult
AP English Literature- YAAAAY
Journalism/Creative Writing- YAAAAY and a practical arts credit
AP US History- yay But difficult. (See my e.e. cummings-esque capitalization there?)
AP Statistics- Trust me, I didn't want to take this. I'm not even prepared- the prerequisite is calculus. I'm taking Algebra 2 this year. (Speaking of which, the whole point of this post is to procrastinate studying for my Algebra 2 test tomorrow.) But I'm required to by the stupid program at my school.
AP Bio- Should be difficult, but eh. I'm cool with bio.
Gym- Hatred, I hate it. Did you know this gym teacher, not even my gym teacher, did the following (in play format):

Random Dude: Hey. Ms. Crazy Sports (that's her name now, btw) wants you over there. Both of you.
My Friend and I: Uh, oh, all right. (Walk over there)
Ms. C (looks at my friend): You got a P.E. app on that phone?
My Friend: Wh-what?
Ms. C: An app. You know what an app is?
My Friend: (nods)
Ms. C: Well, you got a P.E. app? A physical education app?
My Friend: No...
Ms. C: Well, you must've been texting Michelle Obama or someone real important to let it interrupt P.E. (turns to me) And you! Is that book for English or P.E.?
Me: (looks at Walden) Uh... I'm just... uh... reading it... Should I put it away...?
Ms. C: Well, you both better put away those things in your lockers, and from now on, you don't bring anything to P.E. but that water bottle (points to my water bottle) and your self.

Earlier that day:
Friend at my lunch table: Ugh, are you kidding me?
Me: What?
Friend at my lunch table: (pointing to school paper) They're getting the turf field after all.
Me: MORE money spent on sports? Guess they'll take it from the arts...
Friend at my lunch table: We don't HAVE money for the arts to take from. We pay for it ourselves.

MORAL OF THE STORY: It is a better use of my time to learn and be enlightened then to stand around while people play volleyball around me.

Anywho. So that's my schedule, and a little anecdote in play format as well.
And the moral of THIS story is- would you look at that? I barely even have time to do my Algebra 2 homework anymore. Guess I just won't study. Too bad.

Oh, you wanted a poem? Here's a fun story: Yesterday, some Figgie (by the way, despite my constant bashing of Figment on here, I actually do adore the site. Lots of stuff I like comes out weird on here. For example, my English teacher. Or BES, a really nice person in real life. Special Snowflake is an idiot, though, and always shall be.) complained about a writing assignment to include all her vocab words in a poem. So she challenged us to try it. I, never one to turn down an opportunity not to do my economics homework, took the challenge.
It came out pretty well. It's basically "Shattered Crystal" with more fancy vocab words, but whatever.

Sterling silver coins
Do not console me
And I find no asylum
In the dross diamonds
(that make up your world)
This place 
is not impervious
to abasement
And soon,
Don’t warp my words
With your 
fallacious arguments
I see your vicious eyes!
Like a blood-red sunrise
I am not liable for
your glass minds.
Why should I remunerate you
with my assurance
that your institute
is yet immune
and corruption?
For it is tainted.
I will be flippant!
I will be pugnacious!
I will be preposterous!
There is a plethora
of wealth
But of life
there is a dearth
I am rabid for life!
I am starving for light! 
I venture
to that realm
of rejuvenation
where your
sanguine smile
cannot touch me
Sparse bread, perhaps
is a small price to pay
effervescent life
I heed that clarion call
of music
beyond the horizon
Where I now dare
to go
Dilate my world
It is not 
to be diminished
into small facts and figures
Or bits of precious metal
I am the sun.

Not bad, eh? Not bad. "I am rabid for life! I am starving for light!" That bit reminds me of something, for some reason... Don't know what...
OK, well, there's three minutes left in study hall and I need to mourn my Algebra 2 grade, so I'll post more some other time. Maybe "Give Me Rain"... though I'll save that for when it's raining... so maybe my traveler poem, or finally my song. (Remember that? Haha)

Your sports-hating poet,