In that vein, here's a poem about rain. It's not about early summer storms, it's about mid-spring storms, and there's a world of difference. The rain is my best friend. I would know.
Give Me Rain
Storming drumbeats
Passionate, flying, wildly dancing raindrops
like heartbeats
Is electricity pulsing through my soul
My dark,
violet, copper-colored night air
Dark sky
Crackling with lightning and thunder
And dancing to the raindrops
Trees, tossing their heads wildly
Can’t they have one last dance
Before they’re cut down
To make room for
Suburban lawns and strip malls
God, give me rain
Give me wind
Give me stormclouds
I long for the nights where I lay awake
Eyes wide open
To dance with raindrops
I want to fall asleep
To the lullaby of softly pattering rain
And drizzling, dripping drops
And wake to a haze of muted green and blue
Sidewalks with worms scattered
Like the pieces of my soul
and my hair
and the leaves on the trees
Before they are all packed
neatly back into their
summertime box
One last dance
Give me one last rainstorm
Give me rain
Also, it appears I forgot I wrote this little gem in economics.
Anyway, I forgot I wrote this little gem in economics, as I was saying. Gosh, economics just inspires a hatred of the world for me. I think it's Special Snowflake and BES and the general subject that I hate. (P.S. BES and Special Snowflake are genuinely no longer an issue I swear I really swear.) Oh yeah, by the way, I feel more confident about the AP exam now. I most likely got a 4, but I might get a 5. Possibly. Not.
The Rat Race
Hello, fellow students
I plan to go into art history
And before you say anything,
no, my only concern in life
is not getting a fancy, expensive car
So please,
no comments until the end of the presentation
I want a job in a museum
Yes, those are difficult to get
In case you hadn’t noticed,
while you were busy
playing video games
and playing at being grown-up
I was acing every test
and was the top of the class
So I think I might have a chance
Yes, the salary is low, that’s right
Yes, that’s a very hipster job
Yes, you rather do expect
that in a few years
I won’t be saying,
“Look at that painting of a woman in a hat”
but rather
“Would you like fries with that?”
You’re so witty
Why don’t you go stand
with the mile-long line
of doctors, lawyers, engineers
Hadn’t I planned to be a writer?
No, that’s already checked off
my to-do list
I’m already a writer
I have always been a writer
I don’t need a degree in anything
to be a writer
Run, run, run
Keep racing in your rat-wheel
Settle in a suburban home
With a nuclear family
And pin your diploma up on the wall
Commute to work each day
with a briefcase
Calls, calls, meetings, calls
Race the others ‘til you fall
Boom, thud, it falls in place
Make-up on your corpse’s face
Pick out a designer tomb
And cry now you know
who is better than whom
You’re just time’s slave
As the clock ticks on
Tick, tick, tick, tick
Buried and dead before the dawn
Go ahead,
the safer path
Get your paycheck
Get approval
Get your fancy,
expensive car
Be rich,
and wonder why you are
Is it really better
to know
you’ll never go far?
Yep. Grammar. It helps you rhyme.
That poem doesn't cover the extent of my feelings about the subject, but it was all I could write in the 42-minute period.
Anyway... I'm listening to "Featherstone" by the Paper Kites. It's my new squealing song. "Yellow" by Coldplay was my one from last week, when I didn't post on here. I forgot how fun it is to post here. I like it here.
Oh well. It doesn't matter much. I'm very calm and idyllically tranquil and happy, which is odd considering it's the night before I have to go back to school after a long weekend- usually a cause of maaajor stress for me.
It's all right though.
I'll write more soon.
Your peaceful rain-loving poet,