Monday, June 25, 2012

Again I have been summoned to this blog

Look, I don't know bloggers, all right? I don't have friends with blogs! Except some of my Write It friends. And today, Scylla (Hero, Hannah, however you may know her) nominated me for this thingy where I have to do a bunch of stuff.
Firstly, I have to think her for the nomination. Check.
Secondly, I have to list seven things about myself. That shall be done below.
Thirdly, I have to nominate FIFTEEN OTHER PEOPLE WITH BLOGS. Again, here's who I know with a blog: my Write It friends (all of whom Scylla already nominated) and my mom (who does NOT know I have a blog and WILL NOT KNOW. Ever. Until I erase all those other blog posts with teenage angst on them).
I'm not going to cheat and make up blogs again; I'll just... I'll just... I'll...
Damn it.
OK, how about this? I'll point you guys to fifteen blogs I have been to in my life, but I won't make the other people do stuff. Excellent.
On with the things about me, then:

1. Right now I'm listening to "Back to Hogwarts" from A Very Potter Musical. My nonexistent readers may already know that I'm a huge fan of AVPM. But you may NOT know that I pretty much memorized the lyrics to this one. And that I used my sister's speakers to blast this song in my backyard last week, while I was supposed to be studying for finals.
2. I'm taking four AP classes next year. FOUR! What the hell? Why did I sign up for AP Bio? What is with me? I was able to handle ONE AP class these past two years, but now AP math and science! I... don't even know what I'm doing here.
3. I went through a limerick phase near the end of sixth grade. Mostly, I wrote really mean limericks about my classmates. Yeah, I was a bully in the old days. And my weapon was limericks.
4. One of my life goals is to travel to every country in the world, except possibly the ones where I could get murdered for being a Jew/girl. (slash American). Most of this traveling will probably be accomplished during retirement.
5. I used to go to piano lessons as a child, at my neighbor's house (she's an amazing pianist- she's at college now). But then I got sort of caught up in my writing and not so caught up in piano. I can still play Heart and Soul, though. Not the difficult part, just the "doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo" part.
6. My favorite artist is probably Michelangelo, but I also absolutely love anyone from the early 20th century. I just love the avant-garde spirit that was around then. I think I wouldn't mind working at the MoMA (wouldn't MIND? That'd be... amazing. Having the chance to work at the MoMA would be like... like finding a pot of gold. Or whatever. Magic gold. Not the kind that disappears, like leprechaun gold, the kind that's just magic. My chances of getting a job at a museum at all are, like, nada.).
7. Probably my favorite city in the world is Rome, but I've been to very few cities around the world. I've been to (not counting little places like Jersey City) New York City, Boston, D.C., Rome, Paris, Florence, Venice, Athens, Tel Aviv, and Jerusalem. Perhaps I should venture some other places before deciding, "That's it; Rome is the best."

I was going to make one of the fun facts about my love of semicolons, but I think it's been clearly established already that I love semicolons with all my heart.
Anyway... as for the fifteen blogs:

1. Heroic Endeavors- the blog that made me do this. By Scylla, my good writer friend. All about musicals and cello and writing and fun stuff like that.
2. Ink to Paper- Julia's blog (remember Julia from the last few posts?). It is about writing. She posts her writing excerpts every Wednesday and also posts stuff about her life.
3. Kitchen to Kitchen- My mom's blog, which I mentioned before a few times. It's about Judaism and how it relates to cooking. If you are interested in either subject, you should check it out.
4. Teresa the Random- By Teresa, or TheLooker23, about randomness and her life. She's also a Write It user.
5. Words into Darkness- By Tatiana/Molly/dollar616/orangetigerlily/JUST COME UP WITH ANOTHER NAME WHY DON'T YOU. This is actually an amazing blog filled with great stuff about writing. And I think Catholic stuff also, but I mostly read the writing posts. She has great advice regarding how to incorporate banana poisoning and such things into one's writing.
6. Inkygirl- And thus we begin the ten blogs of people I don't know. Inkygirl is an awesome blog I stumbled upon during NaNo a few years ago. It's filled with writing stuff and a bunch of awesometastic writing comics.
7. Brianne Crowder- OK, I'll be completely honest here, I just went through my list of blog posts I've read in the past (Google creates those, of course) and found this. Apparently I entered a writing contest on here. She hosts a lot of writing contests, so you may as well check them out.
8. Notebook Scraps- This is actually someone I (kinda) know. It's the user Fly, from Figment. She writes poems and stuff on notebook paper and posts them on her blog. She's an excellent poet, so check them out.
9. Ask a Math Geek- You know when I post something about (shudder) the hated subject, that I ran out of blogs. This is Beautiful and Strange's blog. (She's another user I know from Figment). I was looking through all my Figment friends and she's the first one with an actual blog that I came across. I assume this is about math, since she's studying to be a math teacher and also, the name.

OK, I give up. Nine blogs is enough. I'm not even making them do all this stuff.
Anyway, do you want a poem? I might have a poem hanging around here. Oh yeah... my Semicolon-Disrespecting Friend (by the way, that's her name forever. BES, Mrs. Econ, Special Snowflake... I'm really good at this nicknaming thing!) and I were writing poems on random subjects on Friday, so here's the result of that...

SUBJECT: Lamp posts
Standing sentinel
To the light-locked roads
Old and rusted and tall
The lamp post on the snow-coated streets
It watches over us all

Waiting in the coldest night
Waiting for a sign
Of the sun rising to bring us light
So its candle can burn
Can fall

SUBJECT: Stickers
Stickers, stickers
on the wall
On the floor, the desks and the halls
On the tables and the chairs
In my nose, in my hair
Stickers here
Stickers there
Stickers, stickers everywhere

And underneath that I drew people dying with amazement at its beauty.
Look, I was tired after the last day of school. :)
Damn it, this song makes me sing out loud every time. Next is Hedwig's Theme, which I also love too much.

OK... I have to go do my AP US homework, I think. Siiiigggh. You know I won't.
I shall write later.

Your homework-laden poet,

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